Villains R' Us

Thursday, March 8, 2007

A quick once-over of City Of Heroes' Mechanics.

Okay, a quick once over of city of heroes' Mechanics.


Damage is computed along a scale of Brawl, your most basic attack. A weak move has a brawl index (B.I.) of less than 2. Strong attacks, such as Energy Melee's Total Focus attack, have brawl indexes of 10 and up.

Damage Scalar Values.
There's a table for these- essentially, everyone starts out (at level one) with a damage scalar value of 1, but over time, it moves towards the final values at level 20. What does this mean?

A blaster is the normal, the control- it has a scalar value of 1. A scrapper has a scalar value of 1.125 (an extra eighth of damage) and, for example, a Brute, has a scalar value of .8, and Defender of .65. What this means, essentially, is a ratio applied to damage after everything else has been calculated. Assuming that a blaster hit someone with a move that had a BI of 10 even, and Brawl would do 10 damage to this person, the Blaster would do 100 damage, the Scrapper 112.5, the Brute 80, and the Defender 65.

There are scalar values for everything, from buffs and debuffs to defense and damage resistance. This is the mechanism by which two characters using the same power are distinguished- I.E. why Corrupters and Defenders are different.

To Be edited

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Wednesday, January 17, 2007